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Do you or a loved one suffer from frequent fear and worrying? Does this worry impact your life and make it difficult for you to function as you would want? Many people, both children and adults, suffer from anxiety disorders such as Generalized Anxiety Disorder, Social Anxiety,  and Panic Disorder. Luckily, psychotherapy, mindfulness, and medications can help quiet the anxious thoughts and allow people with anxiety disorders to better lives.  


People who suffer from depression may experience sadness, low energy, and feelings of hopelessness. Depression is one of the most common mental health concerns. Conditions such as smoking, obesity, substance use, and sleep disturbance are linked to depression. Fortunately there are many treatments and supports available for those with depression. Let us help!

Neurodevelopmental Disorders

Many children and adults struggle with neurodevelopmental disorders, such as Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), Non-Verbal Learning Disorder, Autism Spectrum Disorders, Language and Communication Disorders, and difficulties with Executive Functioning. This can lead to challenges in school, at home, and in social settings. 

Neuropsychological & Educational Testing

Neuropsychological testing is an assessment of cognitive processes, and can evaluate for neurological or neurodevelopmental disorders.  Educational testing is usually pursued through the school system and can also assess for various learning issues.

Domestic Violence

Domestic violence is a pattern of behaviors used by one partner to maintain power and control over the other partner in an intimate relationship.  It can include physical and sexual violence, threats and intimidation, emotional abuse and economic deprivation.  If this is happening to you or someone you know it is important to get help.


Being a parent can be one of the most fulfilling, joyful, and confusing roles in a person's life! Are you struggling with understanding or implementing rewards or limit setting in your home? Are you unsure what are the best ways to handle behavioral issues at home? You are certainly not alone! Take a look at our parenting resources to learn more. 

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Schoolhouse Counseling Center, 839 Washington Street, Suite 1D, Norwood, MA 02062  Tel- 781-352-2936   Fax- 781-352-2957

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